Chrome Guild - Draenor EU

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Chrome Guild - Draenor EU

Chrome Guild - Draenor EU forums

    Application: Onemanraid - Holy paladin.


    Posts : 1
    Join date : 2012-10-11

    Application: Onemanraid - Holy paladin.  Empty Application: Onemanraid - Holy paladin.

    Post by Onemanraid Thu Oct 11, 2012 11:42 am

    General information:

    Name: John
    Age: 26
    Location: Dundee, UK
    Difference in time to Server e.g. UK= -1 hour : -1 hour
    Time spent per week on WoW: Depends how much time I need to commit to maintaining myself at the best level for raiding. Enough to do dailies and gear myself up.
    Upcoming Holidays/Work commitments (within next 3 months): Starting placement for 4 weeks mid November but I doubt this will affect my ability to raid

    Character information:

    Character name: Onemanraid
    Current Realm: Draenor EU
    Race : Belf
    Class: Paladin
    Role (Tank/DPS/Healer): Healer
    Trade Skills : Blacksmith/Engineer - I will have these at max level/ enough to gain the raid bonuses by the time I start raiding
    /played total : 9 days and 1 hour, My main toon is droodforlife which has 79 days played.

    Armory Link (please add it for us and please use armory): As mentioned to your recruitment officer I will be spending my time this week gearing up fast and crafting epics and hopefully getting the darkmoon trinket before I start raiding with you guys.

    List your other characters over level 60 and link them if possible.

    Droodforlife -
    Tezla -

    List the achievement you're most proud of.

    Killing Lich king. I am an avid RTS player and played WC3 a lot. It was nice to be able to link the RTS and the MMO together.

    What is your raiding experience?
    TBC- cleared kara
    WOTLK- cleared naxx, cleared VoA, Ulduar cleared up to the keepers before guild fell apart. ToC- cleared. ICC- cleared normal and got to around 9/12 hc.
    Cata- BWD - 5/6hc , BoT - 2/5 hc , To4W 2/2 hc, Firelands - 4/7 hc pre nerf and 6/7hc after nerfs, DS- 6/8hc pre nerf and then I took a break from the game before real nerfs were introduced to DS.

    Explain some of the choices you made when you chose your current talent spec (including glyphs, gems). This is your chance to show us that you have in-depth knowledge of your class:


    Tier 1 - Movement speed boosts, I take Pursuit of Justice to guarantee a movement boost with the ability to increase that while I have holy power stacked.
    Tier 2 - I chose Fist of Justice however I don't think that it will really affect my healing or raid power as such.
    Tier 3 - I have chose Eternal flame but am playing with the possibility of using Scared Shield as well. The reason I chose Eternal Flame is that it syncs very well with my tier 5 talent mentioned below.
    Tier 4 - Chose to double my hands abilities as they are very strong in a raid environment and provide a lot of utility to the raid.
    Tier 5 - At the moment when mana is scarce the talent that appeals to me is Divine purpose which allows for a free spell cast of a holy power spell. Coupled with eternal flame it makes this spell even more potent. As time, and gear, progresses I will look to shift to Sacred shield for tier 3 and Holy avenger for tier 5. I believe Holy Avenger is the best choice as it is another short cd ( 2 mins) and provides a reliable boost on demand.
    Tier6 - I am playing between Execution Sentence and Holy Prism, both I feel are strong choices. Depending on the encounter and my focus for healing I can trade an AoE heal for a strong sustained heal.


    Glyph #1 - Beacon of light- I feel that being able to take a spell off the GCD and no cooldown allows me to maximise my mana spent by getting the most out of the secondary healing effect of BoL.
    Glyph #2 - Flash of light - A nice little boost if you are trying to burst someone up in an unfavorable situation or topping a tank off.
    Glyph #3 - Protector of the innocent - Another no tradeoff glyph that gives a small bit back when you cast your Holy Shock or in my case Eternal Flame.

    Reforging and stat weights.

    1. Intellect - Goes without saying, most important stat for healers or casters.
    2. Spirit - Make sure that all my gear has spirit on it, as the importance of spirit has increased with MoP
    3. Mastery/Haste - I have been watching many debates on the subject of haste or mastery and feel that the argument for mastery at the moment is stronger. When I am raiding I will make sure to sim to check where the most benefit is to be gained.

    Gems + Enchanting.

    Rather than me type all of my choices out I will provide a link as to what I follow when gemming and enchanting.

    Would you change spec if asked to do so?
    If needed yes

    Additional Information: My name is John, originally from Newcastle, Uk. Now I live in Scotland with my girlfriend of 7 years. I am studying for a degree in mental health nursing at the moment and at the weekends I work in a restaurant.

    History with other guilds, and reason for leaving your last:

    I started off on Shadowsong EU in The Big Lebowski, raided in BC with them. As they were more social and a levelling guild, come cata I left and joined ghostbusters with whom i progress all the way to killing LK and some of Hc ICC. Ghostbusters fell apart from inactivity and people joining other guilds at which time many people suggested moving to a new server, Draenor. Whilst here we tried to create a guild but many people had the same idea and it killed our plans of making a guild, around the time of firelands coming out we joined nox, back when it was a 25 man guild. I've never been part of such a collection of bad players, we wiped for 4 weeks on the first boss of firelands. After four weeks of this I could not stand anymore and applied to Taste of Ink, my current guild. I've made a lot of friends in taste of ink however as MoP approached I doubted my ability to commit to raiding 3/4 times a week and told them that I could not raid. Therefore they replaced me and I am currently not raiding. I saw your advertisement for 1 day raiding which really interested me and here I am Razz

    Do you know anyone who is currently raiding in Chrome, who will vouch for you?

    No I don't

    Why are you applying to Chrome (this is very important)?

    I have been on Draenor for a while now and when I see a member of Chrome I know they are good players and people. I was impressed with your past acheivements and would like to be part of such a strong team of players.

    Can you raid at time Chrome is scheduled to raid?(Wednesday, 20.00-24.00 server *19.30 = invites*)

    Yeah no problem.

    Can you keep yourself supplied on consumables for all raids?

    Yip, no problem.

    Can you use Mumble?


    Can you enchant any new gear you get within a reasonable time frame with valid enchants for your class?


    Do you have a stable internet connection and a PC capable of running well in a 10 man environment?


    Please add any additional Information you would like to tell us:

    I understand that my gear at this moment in time is lacking but If I am given a chance then you will see what I can do. I would also ask that maybe some of you come and do some hcs with me and see me first hand.

    Feel free to add a combat log parse from a raid you attended recently:

    I'm afraid I don't have any, as the last raid I was in has expired on WoL's

    Thanks for reading and I look forward to hearing back from you,


      Current date/time is Sun May 19, 2024 8:50 am